Shelley v. Kraemer Case Brief
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Summary of State v. Shack, 277 A.2d 369 (N.J. 1971) Facts: Defendants (D) were working for two nonprofit government subsidized organizations that were established to provide legal and medical aid to seasonal farm workers. D went to
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Summary of Sabo v. Horvath, S. Ct. of Alaska 1976 Facts: Lowery conveyed the same 5 acre tract of land twice; first to Horvath, then Sabo. Lowery did so in each instance by quit-claim deed. Lowery’s
Summary of Ruud v. Larson, S. Ct. N Dakota [1986] Relevant Facts: Pl, Ruud(lessor), and Df, Larson (lessee), entered a 10 year lease then resigned for another 10 years. Df constructed and operated a car wash/gas
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