American Association for Paralegal Education An association of paralegal programs dedicated to excellence in paralegal education. | National Association of Legal Assistants Professional association for legal assistants, providing continuing education and professional certification programs for paralegals. Home of NALA Net message boards and NALA Campus. |
American Bar Association Standing Committee on Paralegals Seeks to make quality legal services more affordable by increasing the integration of legal assistants and paralegals into the legal services delivery team. Information on associate membership for legal assistants. | National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc. Offering a wide variety of resources for paralegals. |
Association of Trial Lawyers of America - Paralegal Membership How paralegals can join ATLA, a national association of trial attorneys, including membership benefits and application. | Legal Assistant Management Association An international professional association for legal assistant program managers. Primary resource for management, training, education, and regulation of paralegals and legal assistants. |
Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association Association for paralegals in Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming dedicated to the advancement of the paralegal profession. | |
National Paralegal Association An international organization offering benefits and services to legal assistants, law firms, corporate legal departments, independent paralegals, paralegal training schools and colleges and those involved in the paralegal profession. |